CCI Ice Sheets
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Greenland Ice Sheet CCI Products

Products generated by the Greenland Ice Sheet CCI project


The consortium

DTU Space
University of Leeds
TU Dresden

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Upload date 28 Apr 2020
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File size 27.8 MB

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Description :

SGL delineation on Sermeq Kujalleq/Jakobshavn for 2019/05/01 and 2019/10/01 generated using S2 data.

Comments :

Supraglacial Lake (SGL) vectors for select AOI's on the Greenland Ice Sheet produced using Sentinel-2

Version: 1.1
AOI: Sermeq Kujalleq (Jakobshavn Isbræ)
Time period: 2019/05/01-2019/10/01

The following files are included in this directory:
- greenland_sgl_s2_20190501_20191001_jakobshavn_merged_v1_1: Compiled shapefile containing all supraglacial lake features for all time steps.
- greenland_sgl_s2_20190501_20191001_jakobshavn_individual_v1_1(zipped): Zip folder containing supraglacial lake shapefiles for each time step .
- greenland_sgl_s2_20190501_20191001_jakobshavn_statistics_v1_1: General statistics on the detected supraglacial lakes, including total lake count and area, and lake count and area for each Sentinel-2 tile that lakes were detected from.
- README: This short product overview, citation and version information.
- description: 1 line overview of dataset.
- Quicklook: a sample snapshot of one time slice of the data.

The data is provided as shape file of vectorised lakes in Universal Transvers Mercator, EPSG: 32622 WGS84/Zone 22N.

The data are produced by Penelope How, Alexandra Messerli, and Eva Mätzler (Department of Remote Sensing, Asiaq Greenland Survey).

For data use please cite: "ESA Greenland Ice Sheet CCI, Supraglacial Lakes from Sentinel-2".