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Product file | greenland_mass_flow_rate_ice_discharge_geus_v1_0.zip |
File size | 62.8 KB |
Mass flow rate ice discharge (MFID) for Greenland from CCI IV, CCI SEC, and BedMachine
Mass flow rate ice discharge (MFID) for Greenland ice sheet sectors.
This data set is part of the ESA Greenland Ice sheet CCI project.
It provides the following CSV files.
1. Mass flow rate ice discharge. Units are Gt yr^{-1}.
2. Mass flow rate ice discharge uncertainty. Units are Gt yr^{-1}.
3. Coverage for each sector at each timestamp. Unitless [0 to 1].
Ice discharge is calculated from the CCI Ice Velocity (IV) product, the CCI Surface Elevation Change (SEC) product (where it overlaps with the ice discharge gates), and ice thickness from BedMachine.
Sectors are from Zwally /et a/. (2012) (see See https://icesat4.gsfc.nasa.gov/cryo_data/ant_grn_drainage_systems.php)
The methods, including description of "coverage", are described in Mankoff /et al/. (2019; DOI: 10.5194/essd-11-769-2019)